Helping youth who have been affected by foster care pursue a college education.

Over 20,000 foster care students age out each year.

Less than 3% will earn a college degree.

But more than 80% of ISF students will earn a degree.

At the International Student Foundation (ISF), we are changing the narrative for aged-out foster care students in three ways:



ISF scholarship funds cover many necessary expenses, allowing students to earn their college degree.



ISF students receive a one-on-one mentor to guide them through life decisions, college, and planning for their futures.



ISF students can participate in an annual leadership conference in Dallas and are given the opportunity to join a mission trip serving orphans in resource-challenged areas.

Hear from our scholars firsthand!

“Coming out of foster care, we do not easily trust people. That is a psychological thing that makes sense for what we’ve been through. But I realized that I couldn’t navigate college by myself. I had to allow myself to be vulnerable with ISF, grow in relationships, grow in mentorships. I truly have people there to help me.”

— Hailey, Class of 2020